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Saving our Sombra who was in the middle of the enemy team and stuck in a grav
Got three kills and stopped Cassidy from using high noon.
Ana decided to nano me as I was using coalescence so I went in and got both enemy supports.
I used Coalescence to save Mercy from a nano-boosted Sigma, and other incoming fire.
Player Lilacraven managed to boop three tanks off the map on Nepal Sanctum.
I got a triple kill with 3 stacked sentries that were placed next to the fountain outside of enemy spawn on Anubis.
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Shutting down Genji's dragonblade then using coalescence to save Sojourn from gravitic flux.
A well timed immortality field saves my Ana who decided to peek an ulting Bastion.
A pretty good game where I shutdown the enemy Reinhardt with sleep darts all game and keep my team safe.
cooking lesson
genshin impact
What happens when Moira gets nanod next to a supercharger and uses her ult? Destruction.
I saved this clip from another player, I am the hog on their team.
In this clip player Chaotic101 gets a triple kill with one pulse bomb, then celebrates on point by spamming their mouse movement while Moira teabags in front of her.
I know what you did
Fade in, use Coalescence, destroy the enemy team.
After the enemy team wastes all support ults ofc.