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Our Cassidy was slept by Ana during his ultimate, and the enemy Cassidy, damaged boosted by Mercy, ran up to right click our Cassidy. I body blocked half of the shots, leaving him on 60HP, and me on 108HP.
In this play, I assist my Ana while Doomfist is diving her, then turn around and headshot the flanking Ashe. I then hold my right click and eliminate both Doomfist and Illari with one volley of orbs.
Solo Barrage the Cassidy, then get nano'd to take out the ulting Soldier: 76, and the rest of the enemy team.
Player Lilacraven managed to boop three tanks off the map on Nepal Sanctum.
Keeping Zarya alive during heavy fire with Biotic Grenade and accurate fire from the Biotic Rifle.
Shutting down Genji's dragonblade then using coalescence to save Sojourn from gravitic flux.
I used Coalescence to save Mercy from a nano-boosted Sigma, and other incoming fire.
In this clip player Chaotic101 gets a triple kill with one pulse bomb, then celebrates on point by spamming their mouse movement while Moira teabags in front of her.
In this clip player BigBob gets a triple kill by knocking players out of the objective on Ilios.
In this clip, player Sacrity clinched Play of the Game thanks to his dragon blade, strategically complemented by my Coalescence. This well-timed support ultimately saved him from potential elimination and allowed him to secure a crucial kill.
Using Coalescence in a big team fight vs Kitsune Rush.
This is a reupload of the original call to the Springfield Pervert, which resulted in a legendary soundboard being created.
Faded in, used Coalescence, saved Doomfist and Soldier: 76, while taking out Mercy and Cassidy.
Moira faded in after me as I resurrect Lúcio, then tried to use Coalescence on me.. so I whipped out my pistol.
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