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My Genji used dragonblade but didn't get nanod and died, so the Ana gave it to me instead.
I decided to follow up on my Hog's hook while low on HP and the enemy Bastion was ulting. I got very lucky with the timing and managed to heal myself enough to survive a direct hit.
Our Ana made the right decision. I definitely would've been dead without the nano, and I was forced to move in since my team was purple.
What happens when Moira gets nanod next to a supercharger and uses her ult? Destruction.
I saved this clip from another player, I am the hog on their team.
I let the enemy think they're about to kill my Reinhardt, but I send out a healing orb and use coalescence just before they can finish him.
Saving my team from a grav and dragonblade combo, along with lucio and rein ults.