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I Fade toward my Ana just in time... landing in front of here in a theatrical manner, saving her from the enemy Moira and Sigma who had her so close to death.
Our Cassidy was slept by Ana during his ultimate, and the enemy Cassidy, damaged boosted by Mercy, ran up to right click our Cassidy. I body blocked half of the shots, leaving him on 60HP, and me on 108HP.
Keeping Zarya alive during heavy fire with Biotic Grenade and accurate fire from the Biotic Rifle.
I used Coalescence to save Mercy from a nano-boosted Sigma, and other incoming fire.
I used Coalescence to save Cassidy from Soldier's Tactical Visor.
In this clip I use coalescence to save Baptiste from Sigma's gravitic flux.
I saved Soldier: 76 with a well timed Zarya bubble after he decided to charge into a group of 4 enemies.
Turned around and got a nice headshot on the enemy Kirko who nearly killed our Illari, then finished the Reaper with a headshot.
I saved 3 teammates caught in Zarya's ultimate using an orb and coalescence for maximum healing.
I nanod our widowmaker just as she got headshot by the enemy widowmaker.
I used coalescence to save my Genji from Echo's high damage beam, then from a Roadhog hook.
This was my first play of the game and first legendary vote, saving my team from a grav dragonblade combo.
My team was eliminated but I managed to survive Pharah's barrage right in my face and save my Reinhardt from an ulting Roadhog.
I knew my Genji would die and I was too far away to heal him quickly enough, so coalescence was required in order to keep him alive during his ultimate.
Saving our Sombra who was in the middle of the enemy team and stuck in a grav
I used coalescence to save my Ana from Genji's Dragonblade.
Total Mayhem. Saving Cassidy from Tracer's pulse bomb using coalescence.
The enemy Reinhardt thought he could earthshatter & charge my Moira. He was mistaken.
A well timed immortality field saves my Ana who decided to peek an ulting Bastion.
Saving my hanzo from mei by putting myself in front of him to absorb the freeze