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3 Views · 9 days ago

Solo Barrage the Cassidy, then get nano'd to take out the ulting Soldier: 76, and the rest of the enemy team.

19 Views · 2 months ago

Player Lilacraven managed to boop three tanks off the map on Nepal Sanctum.

11 Views · 3 months ago

Keeping Zarya alive during heavy fire with Biotic Grenade and accurate fire from the Biotic Rifle.

31 Views · 4 months ago

Shutting down Genji's dragonblade then using coalescence to save Sojourn from gravitic flux.

21 Views · 5 months ago

I used Coalescence to save Mercy from a nano-boosted Sigma, and other incoming fire.

28 Views · 5 months ago

In this clip player Chaotic101 gets a triple kill with one pulse bomb, then celebrates on point by spamming their mouse movement while Moira teabags in front of her.

23 Views · 5 months ago

In this clip player BigBob gets a triple kill by knocking players out of the objective on Ilios.

31 Views · 5 months ago

In this clip, player Sacrity clinched Play of the Game thanks to his dragon blade, strategically complemented by my Coalescence. This well-timed support ultimately saved him from potential elimination and allowed him to secure a crucial kill.

36 Views · 5 months ago

Using Coalescence in a big team fight vs Kitsune Rush.

27 Views · 6 months ago

Faded in, used Coalescence, saved Doomfist and Soldier: 76, while taking out Mercy and Cassidy.

31 Views · 6 months ago

Moira faded in after me as I resurrect ⁣⁣Lúcio, then tried to use Coalescence on me.. so I whipped out my pistol.

45 Views · 7 months ago

Fade in, use Coalescence, destroy the enemy team.
After the enemy team wastes all support ults ofc.

29 Views · 7 months ago

Ana nanod me while I was using Tactial Visor. I ended up destroying the entire enemy team.

31 Views · 7 months ago

I charged into the Ana, shattered the Widowmaker, then smacked the Mercy out of the sky.

22 Views · 7 months ago

The enemy Ashe got nano'd then destroyed our team.

44 Views · 7 months ago

Ana decided to nano me as I was using coalescence so I went in and got both enemy supports.

31 Views · 8 months ago

I used Coalescence to save Cassidy from Soldier's Tactical Visor.

35 Views · 8 months ago

In this clip I use coalescence to save Baptiste from Sigma's gravitic flux.

27 Views · 8 months ago

In this clip player Hypnotic got a 3k while near death using his Amplification Matrix.

27 Views · 8 months ago

⁣I saved Soldier: 76 with a well timed Zarya bubble after he decided to charge into a group of 4 enemies.

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